Our dedicated team consists of highly qualified physicians, researchers and technical experts who bring their knowledge and passion for ultrasound imaging and technical innovations into practice. 

With our pioneering research and innovative technology advancements, we strive to push the boundaries of ultrasound applications in obstetric medicine as well as establish the latest technological innovations for better prevention and diagnostics for expectant mothers.

Clinical-scientific team

Dr. med. Florian Recker, MME

Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
Master of Medical Education 
Mail: [email protected]

Dr. med. Jorge Jimenez-Cruz

Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
Advanced training in obstetrics and perinatal medicine

Dr. med. Adeline Walter

Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics

Dr. rer. nat. Martin Mendez-Garcia 

Expert in signal processing and AI for biomedical applications

PhD students

cand. med. Julia Groos


Midwives are of crucial importance in the care of pregnant women. With academization of their professional training and the growing range of their responsibilities, ultrasound diagnostics is also playing an increasingly important role. Therefore, we would like to introduce obstetric ultrasound diagnostics to prospective midwives in the form of a POCUS-based ultrasound curriculum. Through theoretical and practical exercises in the course, students will learn the most important basics and thus be able to apply them independently.

cand. med. Ricarda Neubauer


With the implementation of a teledidactic musculoskeletal ultrasound course (TELMUS) for medical students, we would like to expand the teaching in medical studies by a new course concept with mobile ultrasound equipment, which makes training of practical skills more flexible. In the future, teledidactic approaches can also ensure practical teaching during pandemic situations. 

cand. med. Julia Matschl


Prenatal ultrasound plays a critical role in monitoring fetal development and early detection of pregnancy complications. Our ultrasound course provides interested students with a comprehensive understanding of second trimester pregnancy ultrasound. In this course, participants will learn the basic principles, techniques, and interpretive skills essential for accurate imaging and evaluation. Our goal is to improve the care of pregnant women by teaching medical students practical skills at an early age.

cand. med. Talia Sachs


Due to the increasing relevance of PoCUS, an adequate handling and evaluation of ultrasound is of high importance. Therefore, the use of adaptive image recognition training will be evaluated regarding an improvement of the PoCUS practitioner's skills.

cand. med. Lina Duhm

Since gynecology and obstetrics is one of the largest fields in Germany with almost 19,000 working physicians, we are looking at the determinants that lead to the choice of specialty.
To this end, medical students are surveyed at various points during med school.
After an extensive evaluation of these results, conclusions can be drawn on the extent to which the specialty can be delivered in the curriculum and which factors most influence the students.