Centre for 

Ultrasound Research 

& Innovations 

in Obstetrical Sciences

We put technical innovation into practice.

Centre for Ultrasound Research & Innovations in Obstetrical Sciences

Our purpose is to lead the way in the clinical application and advancement of new ultrasound technologies, wearables and sensor technology to improve the health and well-being of pregnant women and their unborn child through excellent medical care. 

Our center offers a wide range of services for expectant mothers, medical professionals and researchers. We perform high-resolution ultrasound examinations to provide a detailed assessment of the fetal anatomy, growth and development of the baby. 

As pioneers in the field of obstetric ultrasound research and modern technical innovations, we work closely with national and international partners to share the latest scientific findings and promote progress in this field. 

In addition, we are exploring new educational pathways and modules for the field of fetal therapies, as well as new avenues of educational research to teach skills in obstetric ultrasound. We also organize regular workshops, conferences, and symposia to foster the exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary dialogue.

We invite you to learn more about the Centre for Ultrasound Research and Innovations in Obstetrical Medicine (CURIOS). 

Contact us for more information about our services, research projects and training opportunities. 

Let's get to know each other!

We look forward to helping you and providing you with the best possible obstetrical care in science and research.


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